AdventureSmart is a national program that is dedicated to encouraging Canadians and its visitors to get informed and go outdoors. It combines online and on-site awareness with targeted outreach to reduce the number and severity of SAR incidents. SAR volunteers (including some of our own!) can be trained to deliver AdventureSmart programs.


The website provides sport specific tips for activities on land, water, and snow, and outlines the considerations for kids. Programs that can be presented to an audience are also found on the site. You can read about each program, watch videos and read stories about those who have become lost or injured. The most popular programs for our area are:



To request a presentation, please email us at [email protected]. We will do our best to accommodate requests from the community given the busy schedules of our volunteers and the large number of requests we receive!


From and AdventureSmart perspective, we encourage you to consider the following three steps when planning an outdoor adventure:

  1. Trip Planning (write a trip plan before you go and leave it with a friend or family. We have a trip planning tool available on our website!)
  2. Training (obtain the skills and knowledge you need before heading out)
  3. Taking the Essentials (carry the essentials and know how to use them)


More detailed information is available at and it is a great starting point for getting informed. Look to organizations and clubs in your community to further enhance your knowledge and skills too!


Education, planning and having the right gear for your activity will go a long way to preventing you from becoming lost or injured.


Stay Safe!


Special thanks to CSAR Member and AdventureSmart presenter Tim for providing this overview!

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