Chilliwack SAR has NO ACCESS to this information!

This form is meant to collect information about your trip, and then send that information to an emergency contact. If you or the person who fills out the form below does not return home/check in with the emergency contact by the arranged time, then the emergency contact needs to call 911 and provide the Trip Plan information to the RCMP. The police can then share the information with Chilliwack Search and Rescue. Your emergency MUST be registered with 911 before Chilliwack Search and Rescue will contact the RCMP to request your trip plan information. Submitting this form does not guarantee a check up.

NOTE: This form is optimized for the following email providers: gmail, hotmail, live, shaw and telus. Please use these recommended providers to fill out the form to ensure the form is sent properly and in a timely manner.

Trip Planner

Keep your friends, family and Chilliwack Search and Rescue informed of your trip by filling out and emailing this form. It will email a copy to yourself and your emergency contact so that you can send it off and let others know where you’ll be and when you’re due to return.

Your Information

Provide your name and email address to identify you if you do not check in to indicate you have returned from your trip.

Your Name *
Your Phone *
Your Email *
How many in the party? *
Emergency Contact Information
Provide the name and email address for a person to notify if you do not check in to indicate you have returned from your trip.
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Email *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Departure & Return Time
Provide your departure date and time and your planned return date and time.
Departure Date *
Return Date
Trip Location & Purpose
Provide the location and purpose of your trip. Be specific - this information will be used to locate you if necessary.
Location & Route: *
Activity *
Equipment & Supplies
Check off the equipment and supplies you are taking with you.
Essentials *
Other Equipment
Miscellaneous Information
Any other information you wish to add to your planner?
Click to acknowledge *

I understand that the information entered into this form is not submitted directly to Chilliwack SAR. The information is sent to myself and to my emergency contact. In the event of an emergency, this information can be passed from the emergency contact to the RCMP.