Tis the season for mushroom hunting, and this is definitely an outdoor activity that takes people off the beaten path. We’re not going to weigh-in on the finer points of fungi (there are many sites and books for that*), but we are going to take a moment to remind people that when your head is down, looking for those hard-to-find mushrooms, it’s easy to find yourself completely lost. Here are a few tips to keep in mind, and items to keep in your pack, as part of your emergency plan and kit:

Before you go, refer to the Ministry of Forests and Range document “Harvesting Edible Wild Mushrooms in BC” for guidelines on what areas are accessible for mushroom picking, and a lot of other great information too. Our Mountain Safety for Fall post also has helpful reminders regarding outdoor conditions in the autumn. It’s already colder and darker than summer and there are several logistical items to consider. And, you guessed it, complete a Trip Plan!

Stay safe and have fun everyone!

*One of the recurring pieces of advice for novice pickers is “Go with an experienced mushroom picker.” Doing your homework on sites and with books before heading out may not be sufficient. So, if you’re interested in trying mushroom picking for the first time, consider going with an experienced group. You’ll be safer than going alone, learn from other’s successes and errors, and you’ll probably have more fun!

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