As one year comes to a close and another begins, we want to take a moment to send our sincerest thanks to our families and friends for their support.

CSAR members receive many kind accolades from fellow ‘outdoors people’, community leaders, generous support from financial donors and clubs, but the unsung heroes of our operation are our partners and loved ones who see us off without hesitation when the pager goes off. They have dinner with an empty chair at the table, put the kids to bed on their own, attend functions solo or change plans at the last minute when we’re called away.  They too make sacrifices for the work we do, and without their patience, understanding, flexibility and willingness to do ‘the extra’ when we’re not there to do it ourselves, we wouldn’t be able to contribute the time that we do to the team. We would also like to extend a huge thank you to our employers and co-workers for their understanding and for allowing us to head out when help is needed in the field. We are truly appreciative of your support and encouragement!

We wish everyone a safe and happy start to the New Year, and may 2017 be filled with great adventures!

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